Meditation Method

Level 1: Throwing away remembered thoughts
Level 2: Throwing away images of myself, images of human relationships, and myself
Level 3: Throwing away my body
Level 4: Throwing away my body and the universe
Level 5: Throwing away my body and the universe
Level 6: Myself disappears and become the Universe
Level 7: Throwing away the hell world which is the picture world and myself living in the world

This meditation is guided meditation that is consisted of 7 levels. Each level has its own method to subtract the false human mind and very clear self-confirmation process. Because the method is very easy and simple, even the 8-year-old children and the 80-year-old grandparents can study together with the same method. If you only follow the guide, anybody can do it. If you want to know what exactly goes on in this meditation, please make a reservation for our weekly free seminar.

happy guys talking at meditation center